Will Metaverse have a unique estimate of acceptance in society

Will Metaverse have a unique estimate of acceptance in society

Metaverse News
February 15, 2022 by Diana Ambolis
A Metaverse is an interactive shared virtual space that is hyper virtual reality connected to the physical world and society. Some say the world of Virtual Reality is the future, and it will transform all aspects of life. Others strongly disagree, saying the world of VR is more for gamers and teens. The disconnect is
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A Metaverse is an interactive shared virtual space that is hyper virtual reality connected to the physical world and society.

Some say the world of Virtual Reality is the future, and it will transform all aspects of life. Others strongly disagree, saying the world of VR is more for gamers and teens.

The disconnect is because of the word Metaverse. Metaverse means different things to different people. To solve this, we need to make our language more precise. The industry is pursuing two very different concepts: virtual and augmented Metaverse. Each will have a unique estimate of acceptance and a very diverse concussion on society.

First, what is a Metaverse? We’ve been involved in VR and AR from the early days and often end up being asked how we define certain key markets. For Metaverse, each individual defines it as follows:

  • A Metaverse is an interactive shared virtual space that can be either fully virtual or be just a layer of hyperreality connected to the physical world.
  • Anyone with an Internet connection can create, build, and share their experiences within this space.

We think that the virtual Metaverse can offer a range of benefits- despite any limitations. Some would also insist that a Metaverse be a general-purpose world and not just an application-specific world. The same rules of conduct should apply to ensure the safe operation of the Metaverse. There should also be an economy that trades in the Metaverse’s currency. This is seen as an appealing option for entertainment and socializing, unlike using it for long.

Metaverse is to the world what iPhone was in 2007. A new revolution. 

The augmented Metaverse will transform society. It will replace smartphones and desktops as the central platform of our lives. It will follow an adoption curve similar to that after the release of the iPhone in 2007. In 2024, major manufacturers will release the first AR glasses with a fully functional version. This will start the process of AR going mainstream. Market penetration will be much quicker because AR will be essential for accessing valuable information.